
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself

Wow, here we are!  If you're anything like me, you read lots of blogs about home decorating, DIY projects and arts and crafts while thinking "Really?  You find that easy?  HA!  I'm definitely not that handy."  I have no helper on standby, no DH behind the scenes... it's all me! (and the dog)

Some back story:  I've owned my builder-basic townhouse for 2 years.  I've done some small touches to make this place feel more like home, but it's not quite there yet.  Within the last year, I've been bitten by the DIY bug.  This was probably preceded by the "I'm not made of money" sickness and a dose of reality.  I'm tired of the builder drab and lack of character!

There's just one problem:  I'm not allowed to use a saw.

Ok, ok, that's a big of an exaggeration, but it's not far from the truth.  I've fallen down the stairs, walked into doorways and stubbed my toe more times than I can count.  When I received a Ryobi tool giftset for Christmas 2011, it included a drill/screw gun, flashlight, vacuum and a circular saw.  The first reaction of my friend?  "Is your health insurance current?  If you ever need anything cut, just give me a call, I'll come help!"  Not so confident, right?

So, I've been plugging away at a few projects around the house and have a list that I keep adding to with a vengeance.  In the process I've learned a few things.  #1, I'm not very handy.  #2, Houses don't come with instruction manuals and #3, Most blogs are not done with the DIY-Challenged in mind.

That's where I come in.  I'm going to bring you my very own Misadventures in DIY, attempting to make my house look great in the process and attempting to be handy.

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